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Incubation hatching for different species: the general procedure

Here's something important you need to know about incubation hatching. When you first place your eggs in an incubator, this leads to a direct fall of temperatures inside the machine. This is just where most amateurs panic, but in reality there's nothing to worry about. Your incubator is working correctly - it's just that the eggs are absorbing a great deal of raw energy as part of the natural incubation process, and to fuel the rapid growth that the embryos have begun to experience inside the eggs.

You must not try to stabilize temperatures in the first two days, because this will result in your feeding too much heat to the eggs, with disastrous consequences for your brood. Incubation itself is a process that will last about three-fourths of a month, and during all that time temperatures inside the incubation hatching device must not alter more than a degree or there will be serious issues in the hatching process. This isn't simplified by the fact that different species of birds will have different requirements, so make sure what the incubation requirements of the species you're hatching are.

Of course, most people deal in chickens, but you'd be surprised how many enthusiasts there are out there hatching everything from geese to ducks and beyond. Patience and meticulousness are really key to a successful incubation process, and so long as you patiently and carefully care for environmental factors inside the incubator all through the almost-month long hatching process (in the case of chickens) you should have no problems, and a nice little brood of hatchlings to care for, which can have a range of problems all their own.

Anyway, no one ever said it was easy in the poultry farming business, but if you're careful and painstaking, it can actually turn out to be a lot of fun. It's fascinating to help these young lives into the world, and the moment when your first chicks start to hatch is a moment that you'll never forget. You'll find that you have the least possible problems if you place your incubators in the right environment in the first place, and this absolutely precludes the great outdoors, where conditions change all the time.

A large, well ventilated structure is generally ideal. Try to use one in which the temperature inside the structure doesn't vary too much or too often. You also need to choose a structure that will provide adequate ventilation in case the power fails during the incubation hatching process.

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